Art Exchange Mexico
South African Prints Group Exhibition
Dates: 5 April until 4 May 2016
In November 2015 we hosted the first Art Exchange exhibition, where 21 Austrian artists exhibited their workat Rust-en-Vrede Gallery. In February 2016 we showcased the work of 31 South African Print Artists in Querètaro at the Galeria Municipal and in Oaxaca at “Taller Tamayo”. This includes artists who work in the mediums of etching, lithography, mono printing, screen-printing, lino printing and wood block printing.
In November 2016 the Mexican Artists will exhibit at Rust-en-Vrede Gallery.
Participating Artists:
Hanneke Benade / Paul Birchall / Candice Dawn Blignaut / Gabriel Clark-Brown / Johan Coetzee / Collin Cole & Dina Kroon / Stephanè Conradie / Connor Cullinan / Michele D’Argent / Christiaan Diedericks / Heidi Fourie / Eunice Geustyn / Rae Goosen / Pauline Gutter / Helena Hugo / Themba Khumalo / Joshua Miles / Craig Muller / Paul Painting / Sarah Pratt / Kobus Rossouw / Sharon Sampson / Bambo Sibiya / Lyn Smuts / Strijdom van der Merwe / Cara van der Westhuizen / Frieda van Zyl / Theo Paul Vorster / Berco Wilsenach / Judy Woodborne / Derek Zietsman