Rust-en-Vrede Gallery

Music + Lyrics

Group Exhibition

Dates: 16.09.2014 – 09.10.2014

We asked the invited artists to create an artwork inspired by a song title, lyrics, or the music itself.

Artists include: Anita Bodenstein-Booyens, Brahm van Zyl, Brindley Pritchard, Chris Denovan, Collin Cole, Corlie de Kock, Dani Buch, Dave Robertson, Elize Vossgatter, Elzabe Kritzinger, Grace Kotze, Isaac Kosmides, Janet Botes, JP Meyer, Juria le Roux, Karin Lijnes, Leigh Tuckniss, Lisette Forsyth, Louis Nel, Marie Stander, Marike Kleynscheldt, Marinda Combrinck, Michele Davidson, Mila Posthumus, Minien Hattingh, Nicola de Jager, Noeleen Kleve, Robert Plotz, Rosemary Joynt, Stephane Conradie, Theo Paul Vorster, Vanessa Berlein.

Inspiration by: Leonard Cohen, Tom Waits, Van Morrison, Bon Iver, Bob Dylan, Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, Foghat, Peter Sarstedt, Simon and Garfunkel, and Paramore.

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