Rust-en-Vrede Gallery

Not a Portrait

Group Exhibition

Dates: 11 June until 17 July 2019

Opening on 11 June at 19h0

The ‘Not a Portrait’ group exhibition has become synonymous with the biennial Sanlam Portrait Award. The Top 40 finalists of the previous year are invited to showcase their skill in the creation of work in any medium and of any subject matter – with the exception being portraiture.

Participating artists include: Janine Anderson, Ilandi Barkhuizen, Corlie de Kock, Chris Denovan, Leandri Erlank, Gail Glover, Tinus Horn, Craig Ivor, Alexander Knox, Dane Stops, Juria Le Roux, Candice Helen Louw, Percy Barnard Maimela, Themba Mkhangeli, Ashley Ogilvy, Leanne Olivier, Jennifer Ord, Willem Pretorius, Elize Bezuidenhout, Veronica Reid, Willie Schlechter, André Serfontein, Gillian Taylor, Liza Kirby, Ydi Coetsee and Jody Waterson.

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